Contact Us: 800.563.PHYSICS
License Terminations and Laboratory Closeouts
Ameriphysics was the first decontamination and decommissioning company to become specifically licensed to disassemble, remove, and relocate cyclotrons.
Why is this important? Because the challenges
presented by cyclotron removal projects are unique.
Packaging, transportation, and dispositioning of these
machines and wastes generated during their removal
are similarly complex. Our license and the procedures
upon which it is based reflect a commitment to this
market and distinguish us from our competitors.
Ameriphysics personnel have planned,
managed, and successfully completed various
removals including two Siemens (PETNet/CTI)
RDS-112s, a Scanditronix MC-40, a Scanditronix
MC-17, a Cyclotron Corporation CS-22, a GE
PETtrace, a Sumitomo PV-750, and several small
linear accelerators.
In addition to removal and decommissioning, we provide a variety of operational health-physics support services for cyclotrons and radiopharmacies. Ameriphysics has successfully built programs for these sites from the ground up, and we can assist you with licensing and registrations, decommissioning funding plans, shielding design, audits, waste characterization, and procedure development.
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